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About nobody fitness:

Everyone is welcome at nobody fitness!  I write about a wide range of fitness and health related topics.  There is a little something for everybody.


However, I feel a strong connection to those who find themselves 30, 40, 50, or more years into their lives and realize they are not happy with how they feel and look.


I have been there and I know what it feels like!  So, a lot of my focus will be on how to transform your body and your lifestyle.


It's hard to transform and it's hard getting older.  And trying to transform when you're already older is really hard!


There are dozens of things that come along to steal your vitality, a few of which are age, gravity, life situations, hormones or lack of hormones, toxins, injuries, bad habits, disease, stress, and laziness!


I get it.  It's really hard being healthy, getting in shape, and staying in shape!  It kind of sucks!


But come on, Man!  Show some pride!  Put up a fight, at least!  That's what I'm doing!  I will not go gentle into that good night!  If you want to keep fighting too, then you've come to the right place.  Welcome aboard!



So, why the name nobody fitness?


In general, it's probably a bad idea to use the word 'nobody' in your business, brand, or blog name.  But for several reasons, I'm doing it anyway!


First of all, I just like how the name rolls off the tongue.  It flows well, and is easy to say and remember.


Also, my username on is nobody4242, so I'm already associated with the word nobody.


Another reason is I have often felt like a nobody.  I'm a very low-key person so I don't make a big impression on people.  They often don't remember my name after meeting me.  Here's a sad story.  One time in 8th grade, I ran into a guy I went to grade school with and he had no memory of me.  It was a small Catholic school and there were only eight boys in our grade!  And he didn't remember me two years later!  I finally got him to say 'oh, you were that kid,' when I told him I was the boy who brought the giant LEGO spaceship to school for show and tell.  I am also deeply terrified of public speaking and prefer to blend into the crowd, so for many reasons I can identify with feeling like a nobody.


The final reason, and this is what really sealed the deal on using the name nobody fitness, is that one day I had an epiphany that being a nobody is a good thing!


nobody's make the world go 'round.  We are the nameless, faceless cogs in the machinery of this vast, complex, fast paced world we all live in.  Billions and billions of nobody's keep everything moving and running smoothly.  We don't seek attention or demand credit.  In fact, if you shine a spotlight on us we would probably freeze up.  We just focus on our task and do what we do!


Many of the accomplishments of which I am most proud were achieved through what I call 'embracing my inner nobody.'  I had a purpose.  I focused on the process and went through the motions.  I showed up consistently and took small, but positive, steps each day.  I didn't boast, or even talk, about the things I was doing.  I just kept my head down and went about my business.  I trusted in the immense power of repeated actions and incremental progress.  And in the end, I was able to accomplish things that surprised others, and myself as well.


If you feel like a nobody sometimes, don't fight it.  Embrace it!  Embrace your inner nobody, and you can do amazing things!



About Me:

I fell in love with weightlifting when I was 17.  I was drawn to lifting for the same reasons many teenage boys probably are.  I was skinny and insecure, and I wanted to be bigger and stronger.  I'm not tall, and I'm most definitely not athletically gifted.  I'm also the youngest of four boys.  So, you don't have to dig very deep to find some of the sources of my insecurities.  Weightlifting was the perfect outlet for me.  I was hooked immediately.


Ironically, I spent much of my life from age 17 to my late 30's trying to GAIN weight!  I was thrilled the first time I hit 200 lbs.  Of course, back then it was mostly muscle mass.  Although, looking back I realize my waist was gradually creeping up all along too.  I just didn't care, because I was obsessed with getting bigger and stronger!


As I approached 40, things really changed for the worse.  Gaining muscle got harder and harder and gaining fat around my waist got easier and easier!  It didn't help any that I was sporadic with working out.  Life got in the way and I would skip working out for months, and sometimes years, at a time.  You can read more of my story in My Transformation.


However, all of that changed in 2014.  I have been remarkably consistent, but not perfect, with working out since then.  Where I still struggle is my eating habits.  I freaking love to eat!  Food is comfort to me.  Aside from exercise, it is how I unwind and de-stress!  So, the battle continues in that area!  I have learned techniques that help me, such as Intermittent Fasting.  I've found healthier foods to replace many of my old go-to snacks.  But I have much more to learn.


I'm hoping nobody fitness will be another piece of the puzzle for me.  I am passionate about fitness and bodybuilding, and I thoroughly enjoy researching and writing about topics related to health and strength training!  It is humbling and totally motivating to think others could benefit from my journey!  Together, we can take control of our habits, our bodies, and our lives!


Thank you for reading,




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